Thursday, 26 October 2017

Top 10 Social Media Platforms for Business & Marketing.

Top 10 Social Media platforms for Business & Marketing.

There are many social media platforms available right now. but chossing right one is need . so we present Top 10 social media platforms.

1.Facebook : facebook is most popular social media of all time. having more than 2 Billion monthly active members and more than 1 Billion members.

2.Whatsapp : More than 1 billion people in over 180 countries use WhatsApp to stay in touch with friends and family and having 1.2 Billion+ monthly active members.
3.Youtube : youtube is most popular video streaming site of all time , having more than 1.3 billion+ members and 1 billion+ monthly active members. Youtube has total user which equal to 1/3 of total internet users.
4.Google+ : When you create an email id then google automatically create google+ account associated with that google+ has more members of social media in this world.

5.Instagram : Instagram is a simple way to capture and share the world's moments. Follow your friends and family to see what they're sharing pics. instagram has more than 800 million monthly active members.
6.Twitter : Twitter is where news breaks. twitter has more than 500 million users and 350 million+ 
monthly active users.

7.Snapchat : Snapchat is future of social media .
snapchat has more than 500 million user and 300 million+ monthly active users.

8.Line : Line is pure entertainment , having 500 million users and 250 million monthly active members.

9. Wechat : wechat is huge uses in all over china and even they not uses whatsapp they support only their app wechat.wechat has 900  million users and 10 million+ active members.

10. Linked In : Linked in also popular social media , having more than 500 million user and 252 million + monthly active members.Linked now owned by Microsoft.

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